Stem Changing Verbs
In Spanish, some verbs change their stems when they are conjugated. These verbs are known as stem-changing verbs. Many of these verbs are important and often used. There are three different types of stem changing verbs in Spanish:
Cambios de los Verbos Los verbos |
Types of Stem-Changing Verbs | e → ie e → i o → ue |
The stem changes for all conjugations, excepting nosotros/as and vosotros/as. The endings are the same as for regular verbs (-o for yo, -as/-es for tú, …).
To Understand
I understand | yo entiend | o |
You understand | tú entiend | es |
He understands | él entiend | e |
She understands | ella entiend | e |
You understand | Usted entiend | e |
We understand | nosotros entend | emos |
You (pl.) understand | vosotros entend | eis |
They understand | ellos entiend | en |
You (pl form) understand | Ustedes entiend | en |
Note that the stem change is done for the second ‘e’ (not the first one) – in general the stem always changes for the last vowel before the -ar/-er/-ir ending.
Example: pedir (e->i) to ask for, to order
To Ask For, Order
I ask for | yo pid | o |
You ask for | tú pid | es |
He asks for | él pid | e |
She asks for | ella pid | e |
You (form) ask for | Usted pid | e |
We ask for | nosotros ped | imos |
You (plural) ask for | vosotros ped | ís |
They ask for | ellos pid | en |
You (pl form) ask for | Ustedes pid | en |
Note: all e->i stem changing verbs are -ir verbs.
To Sleep
I sleep | yo duerm | o |
You sleep | tú duerm | es |
He sleeps | él duerm | e |
She sleeps | ella duerm | e |
You (formal) sleep | Usted duerm | e |
We sleep | nosotros dorm | imos |
You (plural) sleep | vosotros dorm | ís |
They sleep | ellos duerm | en |
You (plural formal) sleep | Ustedes duerm | en |
Here is a list of some other common stem changing verbs:
e -> ie | e -> i | o -> ue |
cerrar (to close) | competir (to compete) | almorzar (to eat lunch) |
comenzar (to begin) | conseguir (to get, obtain) | costar (to cost) |
defender (to defend) | pedir (to ask for, order) | encontrar (to find) |
empezar (to start, begin) | reir (to laugh) | morir (to die) |
mentir (to lie) | repetir (to repeat) | mostrar (to show) |
pensar (to think) | seguir (to follow, continue) | mover (to move) |
perder (to lose) | servir (to serve) | recordar (to remember) |
preferir (to prefer) | sonreír (to smile) | volver (to return) |
Present Participle
The present participle in Spanish is used either for continuous tenses (with estar, e.g. I am running.) and can also be used as an adjective. The Spanish present participle corresponds to the English -ing form of the verb.To form the present participle for regular -ar verbs, add -ando to the stem. For -er and -ir verbs add -iendo:
El Participio Presente Los Verbos |
-ing | hablar → hablando comer → comiendo vivir → viviendo | speaking eating living |
However, not all present participles are that regular. Some verbs add a “y,” or change the spelling, to adhere to Spanish orthography (spelling) rules. Here is a list of some common verbs that have an irregular present participle:
Participios Irregulares Los Verbos |
-ing | caer decir dormir ir leer oir pedir repetir reír seguir traer | cayendo diciendo durmiendo yendo leyendo oyendo pidiendo repitiendo riendo siguiendo trayendo |
Present Progressive
Like in English, the Spanish present progressive is used to describe an action in progress. It is formed by conjugating the verb estar and then adding the present participle:
El Presente Progresivo Los Verbos |
Talking about actions occurring right now | Yo estoy hablando Tú estás hablando Él/ella/usted está hablando Nosotros estamos hablando Vosotros estáis hablando Ellos/ellas/ustedes están hablando | I am talking You are talking He/She/You is/are talking We are talking You are talking They/You are talking |
El Vocabulario La Familia |
Vocabulary for the family | los padres el padre, papá la madre, mamá los hijos el hijo la hija los hermanos el hermano la hermana los abuelos el abuelo la abuela los nietos el nieto la nieta los tíos el tío la tía los sobrinos el sobrino la sobrina los primos el primo la prima los cónyuges, marido y mujer el esposo, el marido la esposa, la mujer los suegros la suegra, la nuera el suegro, el yerno los cuñados el cuñado la cuñada los consuegros el consuegro la consuegra | parents father mother children son daughter siblings brother sister grandparents grandfather grandmother grandchildren grandson granddaughter uncles and aunts uncle aunt nephews and nieces nephew niece cousins cousin (male) cousin (female) spouses husband wife parents-in-law mother-in-law father-in-law siblings-in-law brother-in-law sister-in-law your child’s parents-in-law your child’s father-in-law your child’s mother-in-law |